Indian Job Seekers will be in benefit soon specially those who are working in the IT companies.
You know why ?
Because of “Remote Work”
Corporates finding people of the same caliber, finding easy to pay for Vice Presidents at the same price at which even 2-3 years experienced engineers do not agree to work.
Once any corporate will taste this flavor, then hardly they will switch back to their pre pandemic and traditional task force. And it is already started from countries like USA, Canada, and UK
Because once you working from remote location, then hardly it matters that from which country you are working from.
My Book VOTE FOR REMOTE WORK Explains it all
Grab it today : https://amzn.to/3uyWtMc
VOTE FOR REMOTE WORK: Importance from Eyes of An Entrepreneur eBook: Gupta, Mudit : Amazon.in: ...
VOTE FOR REMOTE WORK: Importance from Eyes of An Entrepreneur eBook: Gupta, Mudit : Amazon.in: Kindle Store
Love to all my readers 
